There are many distinguishing features when we differentiate between macro dosing and microdosing. This article will briefly describe how to determine macro-dosing and microdosing.

The mutual difference between these two is that one involves using small doses while the other uses more substantial amounts.

Alternatively, you may also check on how people have used psychedelics, meaning more prolonged doses are used. The outcome of the two gives a pure distinction—plenty of differences based on magic mushrooms Sero Mushroom Dosage.

Understanding the dosages of each of the two practices is an excellent idea. This article is mainly focusing on macro dosing primarily. It is because it carries the essential information in it.

Macro dosing

Macro dose results in cognitive, perpetual drastic, and emotional transformations. You should also be able to note the dose rate at which the perceptual changes become noticeable. A macro dose is also reported to be everywhere, mainly between a threshold dose and a heroic dose, whereby the effects, such as ego death, are potential.

Most people prefer macro dosages because it doesn’t cause severe damage compared to microdosing.

Macro dosing carries the most significant effects that are more impactful when compared to microdosing. The following are some visual effects; colour enhancement, object morphing, tracers, colour shifting, and geometric hallucinations.

Microdosing is also believed to cause audio, visual, cognitive, and emotional effects. The visual effects caused include geometric hallucinations. Other mental effects are delusions, introspection, increased music appreciation, acceleration of thoughts, time distortion, an improved sense of humour, and laughing like a crazy person.

The emotional effects are like euphoria, having unlimited joy, empathy, anxiety, fear, and panic. It would help if you were keen on macro dosing because it severely affects people. It is considered to have caused accidents till this year. This article describes all the effects it generates for you to be well aware of them.


However, a microdose is a minimal recreational dose of the respective drug. It typically involves classic psychedelics like the LCD, mescaline DMT and psilocybin. It doesn’t mean you cannot dose a non-classic form of psychedelics like ACO-DMT. It is possible for you to microdose also cannabis, i.e., MDMA. It’s factual that magic mushrooms have been considered differentiated by dosage levels.

What to note

It is supposed to be sub-perceptual and not to cause effects such as seeing problems by eying geometric patterns objects morph while the visual is closed or open. Due to the low dosage of microdosing, it should not cause effects of classic psychedelics like the mystical experiences and the emotional form of states. Magic mushrooms have been investigated for years.


Finally, macro dosing is a practice that has significant effects compared to microdosing, and it is also concluded that it also causes audio effects such as distortion and hallucinations.